The Whole Nine Yards (2000), Cert 15.

Director - Jonathan Lynn.

Writer - Mitchell Kapner.

Starring - Bruce Willis, Matthew Perry, Michael Clarke Duncan, Rosanna Arquette, Natasha Hanstridge, Amanda Peet & Kevin Pollack.


Premise - Oz (Matthew Perry) is a dentist living in Montreal with his insufferable wife (Rosanna Arquette). When hitman Jimmy The Tulip (Bruce Willis) moves in next-door to his suburban home his life is turned on it's head.

The Whole Nine Yards is about as average a comedy as I have seen in some time. It doesn't impress in any way, shape or form. However, it shouldn't be totally dismissed either because there is a fair bit to enjoy.

The writing is trite and cliched, you've seen it all before. The film offers nothing new to the viewer, but it can be funny.

Mostly thanks to Matthew Perry who is Chandler from Friends in all, but name. The same neurotic tendencies and slapstick comedy that he has honed on 8 seasons of Friends is wheeled out again to entertain the masses. And entertain it does, the vast majority of laughs coming from him. Mr Perry should be careful however, he doesn't want to end up being typecast and spend the rest of his career on DTV row.

Bruce Willis plays Bruce Willis. The same vaguely threatening rogue that he's been playing for years. Recent output like 'The Sixth Sense' and 'Unbreakable' suggested that he was trying to move to a new direction in his work, but Nine Yards is by the numbers Bruce, he even sports a white vest at one point.

The rest of the cast do their jobs well enough. Michael Clarke Duncan flexes a funny bone that we haven't seen since Armageddon. Natasha Henstridge is nice to look at and she isn't as bad an actress as the Species movies would have you believe. Amanda Peet spends a large portion of the film naked, so no complaints there. Kevin Pollack annoys slightly with a cod eastern European accent that should be deported.

Pollack's accent however is music to the ears in comparison to Rosanna Arquettes intolerable attempt at a French one. Luckily she doesn't have that much screen time, but I really just wanted to slap her and tell her to shut up.

Nine Yards main problem is in the writing. The comedy whilst amiable enough doesn't sit to well with the more violent aspects of the movie. I felt uneasy, as in one scene you would be laughing and then BAM some violence is thrown into the mix. It's a style that reminded me of Beverly Hills Cop 3, another movie where the violence and comedy were at odds with on another.

A lot of the jokes fall flat as well. Mostly with the Mentor/Pupil angle with Peet and Willis. I just didn't like it.

The worst thing about the movie however is the sickly happy ending. For a film that is about Eastern European mafia and hitmen, the ending (which is questionable from a moral standpoint) is too sickly sweet and syrupy. Another love conquers all ending that made me feel ill.

At the end of the day The Whole Nine Yards is a pleasant enough way to waste ninety minutes. Don't expect a life affirming experience and you should do all right.


5/10 for The Whole Nine Yards.

Poster Quote - Could it be more middle of the road?