The Lord Of The Rings - Animated (1978). Cert. PG.

Director - Ralph Bakshi

Writer - JRR Tolkien

Starring - John Hurt & Anthony Daniels.



Premise - Tolkiens classic tale of good vs evil brought to life through animation.

This is just terrible. I know the film was made in 1978, but it looks awful. Bakshi has used a mixture of traditional animation and raytracing (filming live actors and painting over them) that fails on every level to convey the worlds that Tolkien created.

You only have to look at old animated films like Snow White to see that quality animation was possible back then, but Bakshi has somehow managed to make LOTR look like some cheap Saturday morning cartoon.

The traditionally animated parts aren't that bad, the animation is jumpy, but it's watchable. It really falls apart in the raytraced scenes though. It reminded me a lot of Tron, static painted backdrops, with lousy looking characters running about.

The choices made as to what to keep from the book and what stay's are also questionable. The film jumps about all over the place with little or no explanation as to why the characters are doing what they are doing. If I hadn't read the books I would have been mighty confused.

To add insult to injury the film ends halfway through 'The Two Towers' at the most unlikely of points. I have read that Bakshi run out of money, well maybe that's a good thing. I wouldn't want to sit through the rest.

The only thing the film has going for it is the classic Tolkien story at it's heart. No other redeeming features are to be found.

I only rented the flick out of curiosity and my hunger for all things LOTR. I wish I hadn't bothered.


2/10 for The Lord Of The Rings.

Poster Quote - Lord Of The Brown Ring.