Phantoms (1998). Cert 15.

Director - Joe Chappelle

Writer - Dean R Koontz.

Starring - Ben Affleck, Peter O'Toole, Joanna Going, Rose McGowan & Liev Schrieber.



Premise - When two sisters return to their small town home they discover that the entire towns inhabitants have disappeared. After meeting up with the towns law officers they try and piece together what happened.

Phantoms wastes no time in cutting to the chase. Barely five minutes into the film the tension is racked up to eleven and the ride begins. In-fact the first half of the film contains some of the tensest scenes I have seen in a long time.

Good use of sound, lighting and camera positions place the viewer right in the heart of the movie. Wisely the first half of the film uses the scariest special effect off all, the imagination. Not a hair of the titular 'Phantoms' are seen in the first half, instead they are merely suggested and the film benefits from this.

Unfortunately the it's all down hill in the second half. As soon as Peter O'Toole appears the film moves from edgy, tension filled chiller to sci-fi schlock horror at an alarming rate. Gone is all the well paced build up of the first half as it is replaced by shoddy CGI work and cheesy one-liners.

If I were to compare the two halves off the film to others I would say that the first is like The Shining meets The Blair Witch Project. Whilst the Second half is like some half assed amalgamation of The Thing and Aliens.

Blame can't be placed on the shoulders of the transition from book to film as Dean R Koontz himself adapted his own book. The problem is clearly with the source material itself.

A shame really because the cast puts in some good work. McGowan and Going play nicely as the sisters dropped into this situation and Ben Affleck for me puts in one of his best performances. Peter O'Toole though really hams it up, as if reacting to the ludicrous events unfolding before him.

If they had kept the 'spookiness' of the first half intact and ditched the whole sci-fi plot then we could have been looking at a good solid chiller. As it stands we are left with half a good movie. A serious case of what could have been.


6/10 for Phantoms.

Poster Quote - Better heard and not seen.