American Pie 2. (2001) Cert 15.

Director - James B Rogers.

Writer - Adam Herz

Starring - Jason Biggs, Alison Hannigan, Sean William Scott, Chris Klien & Shannon Elisabeth.



Premise - The sequel to the phenomenally successful American Pie see's the guy's one-year-older and looking to relive the heady days before college.

I'm a big fan of the original American Pie, it made me laugh my ass off almost continually throughout. It gave birth to one of comedy's great hopes (Sean William Scott) and helped boost sales of baked goods the world over.

So it was with some excitement that I went to see the sequel.

For the most part my expectations were met, however some thing's just stopped me from loving it as much as the first movie.

The whole crux of the original was the need for the four main characters to lose their virginity before end of school. Without this plot thread the sequel lacks focus, it's kind of all over place. Sure it's funny (sometimes gut bustlingly so), but scenes seem to be strung together in no particular order and leave you feeling empty.

It was good to see the entire original cast together (milf, milf, milf), but some seem to be there through some kind of contractual obligation (Tara Reid, Mena Sauvari) and really do nothing of consequence and could have easily not bothered coming back.

Some of the plot threads that tie up in the final third don't really make much sense and you can almost smell the re-writes that must have took place on set.

On the plus side though the stuff that is funny is VERY funny. Jim's dad is a piece of comic genius and Stiffler is just so repellent that you can't help but love him.

So is it funny? Yes. Is it as good as the original? No.


6/10 for American Pie 2.

Poster Quote - This pie is over done.