Shaft (2000) Cert 18.

Director - John Singleton.

Writer - Gordon Parks.

Starring - Samuel L Jackson, Christian Bale, Busta Rhymes & Vanessa Williams.



Premise - When a young black man is killed outside a nightclub, rich kid Christian Bale is charged with the race related crime. But when his rich dad pulls some strings and gets him bail, Shaft quits the police to dish out his own personal kind of justice.

This version of Shaft is Shaft in name only. In these PC times it is foolish to expect the same type of blaxploitation and womanising that made the original three films so popular. Sure Shaft still has a problem with authority, but gone are the string of one night stands.

Samuel L Jackson is perfect in this role. I can't think of anyone else who could have taken up the role of Shaft. I always find Jackson watch able no matter what he's in and Shaft is no exception. He delivers the one liners effortlessly and just looks too damn cool in the Shaft outfit. Elsewhere you have Christian Bale seemingly reprising his role from American Psycho. Bale again shows that he is a fine young actor and one to watch out for in the future. Vanessa Williams has little to do, but hang around and look good. This she manages just fine. Comedy relief is in the shape of Busta Rhymes, who plays Shaft's driver. He may be able to Busta rhyme, but acting isn't exactly his forte. File him on the pile marked Ice T. He is watch able enough though. You also get Richard Roundtree reprising his role from the original films as Jackson's uncle.

Direction from Singleton is tight. He kind of lost his way after the critically acclaimed Boyz In The Hood and this is a return to form of sorts. He shows a good eye for action and keeps things fairly kitsch with the many wipes from scene to scene.

The film kind of loses it's way about three quarters through. It seems to ditch the light hearted tone and goes for a darker edge. This tone doesn't quite sit right and the rest of the film suffers because of it.

Overall Shaft is perfectly serviceable action adventure film. It pales in comparison to the original Shaft films, but that is more to do with this PC era rather than intentions of the film makers. Worth a look.

6/10 for Shaft.

Poster quote - You won't feel shafted.