Man on the Moon (1999) Cert 18.

Director - Milos Forman

Writer - Scott Alexander & Larry Karaszewski.

Starring - Jim Carrey, Danny DeVito, Paul Giamatti & Courtney Love.



Premise - The life of times of renowned practical joker and sitcom star Andy Kaufman.

Straight off, this is Jim Carreys' film there is no question of that. He simply 'is' Andy Kaufman, A masterful performance and proof again after 'The Truman Show' that he is indeed an accomplished actor and not just some guy who can pull funny faces and talk out of his ass. Now I don't pretend to know much about Kaufman, he never rely made much of an impact in the UK. In-fact the only stuff I'd even seen of his was a few episodes of Taxi when I was young. What I can garner from this movie is that he was a real pain in the ass and not a really nice guy to know. I may be wrong, but that's what I got from the film. So much so in-fact that I was hard pushed to feel sympathy for the man even when he was reduced to visiting some of the biggest hoaxers on the planet, psychic surgeons. How ironic a renowned hoaxer being duped into believing one of the worlds biggest hoaxes (a fact he realises on the table and starts to laugh.). The support is good with Love giving another good performance in a Forman movie and DeVito was solid. I was wondering if DeVito was playing Shapiro who would play DeVito? But they got round this by not showing DeVito's taxi character at all.

It was good to see Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler (being a bit of a wrestling fan) and there are many other cameo appearances. Another thing I greatly enjoyed was the REM soundtrack being a fan of theirs.

I found it really hard to like this film with such a dislikeable central character, and I didn't really. Great work from Carrey and good support performances. Plus a good soundtrack and some nice cameos would ordinarily make for a good film, but not here.

5/10 for Man On The Moon.

Poster quote - I'd rather watch the Buzz Aldrin story.