The Seven Samurai (1954). Cert PG.

Director - Akira Kurosawa           

Writer - Shinobi Hashimoto & Akira Kurosawa

Starring - Takashi Shimura, Toshiro Mifune & Yoshio Inaba.



Premise - A 16th century Japanese village hires a group of samurai to protect them and their crops from bandits.

Many people consider this among the best films in movie history. It's not hard to see why, the film is light years ahead of it's time.

Black & white, made in 1954 and in Japanese, The Seven Samurai is a tough watch for all, but the hardened movie fan. The film has stood the test of time surprisingly well.

The acting is generally of a high standard, I find that films of this age suffer from overacting, but only now and again does the acting here degenerate to a ludicrous level.

The action scenes hold up well, obviously not as glossy or as sophisticated as say, The Matrix. However the film's action scenes have a gritty reality to them that is impressive given the films age.

Also impressive is how well the period setting and costumes have been recreated, it is very convincing.

Kurosawa uses some directorial tricks that have found their way into modern cinema making. For example see the wipes between scenes that seem to suggest that George Lucas has seen a Kurosawa flick or two.

As impressive as the film is, it is for my money spread to thin over its three hour plus running time. I found myself clockwatching during some of the build up scenes in the village.

I was also growing more and more irritated by the 'comedy sidekick samurai' as the film drove on.

The Seven Samurai is recommended viewing because of it's place in movie history, but It is in no way one of the best films I have seen.


5/10 for The Seven Samurai.

Poster Quote - Me so solly.....It's just not a classic.